Monday, December 15, 2014

Big Hero 6 Review

Disney Animation does it again! They have been red hot with their last few productions (Frozen and Wreck it Ralph), and Big Hero 6 is no exception. I saw the trailer before my screening and can say that the movie is much better than the trailer suggests. The trailer played for laughs, but I think that is misleading - yes, there were funny parts, but the best parts of the movie are found elsewhere. I was extremely surprised with the action in this movie - think of a mix between Iron Man, The Incredibles, and How To Train Your Dragon.

From the first scene the audience is introduced to this fictional world of Fransokyo. The movie did a great job of featuring "out of the box" technology, which sets it apart from your typical action flick. Instead of this technology being a sidepiece, it is an integral part of moving the story forward. This keeps you invested in the characters as the movie goes long.

Even with all this priase there was still a couple of things that I felt the movie could have done a better job with. There were a few scenes where it felt like the characters were explaining something to us rather than showing it. I also think that the final scene could have been a littler shorter, which would have given it more of an emotional impact.

Besides those few nitpicks this movie is definitely a must see for Disney or animation movie-lovers. Make sure to stay until after the credits!


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