Friday, December 19, 2014

The Babadook

Ever since this film's release at Sundance 2014 I have been on the lookout for it. It was a limited release so I was waiting for a local theater to show it. It took awhile, but it finally showed up almost a year later. I've got to say that the wait was well worth it. I was not exactly sure what I was going into because I tried to stay away from reviews. The only thing I looked up was the Rotten Tomatoes score, which was 98% at the time.

This is by far the best horror film that I've seen in a long time. This film is very creepy but does not rely on the conventional “jump" scare that so many movies use. This movie is extremely story driven, which allows the audience to really understand the dynamic between the two main characters. The characters draw you in with their relationship, which makes you feel strongly when something happens to one of them. This is a rare feat that most horror movies cannot pull off.

Mister Babadook is going to go down as one of the most memorable horror icons of all time. Every time he was on the screen, all the hairs on my body stood up. I’m going to follow this director closely and look forward to seeing what her next film is going to be.


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